Stock photos, generated images with reference from real photos and custom branded images for every article, with license ensurance, compressed for SEO purposes.
Looking to drive traffic to your website?
For Publishers
For Affiliates
Drive traffic with AI-curated & Human-written, real-time news articles tailored to your audience. We crawl millions of sources—so you stay relevant, without the manual effort.
For B2B
For Marketing
Boost authority and organic traffic with evergreen content optimized for SEO and reader engagement. We automate the research and writing, so you gain consistent, high-quality posts—no extra work required.
Stock photos, generated images with reference from real photos and custom branded images for every article, with license ensurance, compressed for SEO purposes.
Articles come with relevant social media and video embeds from Facebook, X, Instagram, Reddit, Youtube etc, straight into your article text to increase your engagement and retention.
Monok automatically analyzes all your published content to create natural links inside every new article to interconnect your existing content.
You can choose to have every article matched with one of your existing writers by letting monok analyze their author profile and connect to articles that fit their description.
Everything from tags to sections can be automated, using our state of the art analyzer, we can ensure your articles are always published in the correct section.
Get traffic from LinkedIn, X & Facebook with our automatic posts that market each published article.
Explore this feature
State-of-the-Art nativization to your target audience, covering more than 30 languages
Swedish startup has raised a $4M seed round
Startup hat 4M € in Seed-Runde eingeworben
Startup reser 45 miljoner kronor i seed
It must be a trick! Not at all, we deliver quality on par with any experienced news or blog writer. The price is low because we use multiple technologies to speed and ease the writing process, from discovery and analysis to photo and text review.
Looking to drive traffic to your website?